- Arcane Legions
- Absolute Emperor
- Arkham Horror
- Battlefleet Gothic
- Battlegames In Middle Earth
- Battletech
- Blackpowder
- Blitzkrieg Commander
- Blood Bowl
- Bolt Action
- Border Reavers
- Chain of Command
- Check Your 6!
- Clash of Empires
- Cold War Commander
- Combat Patrol
- Crusader
- Deadzone
- Dragon Rampant
- Dreadball
- Dux Britanniarum
- Dystopian Wars
- Empire of the Dead
- Field of Glory (FOG)
- Flames of War (FOW)
- Frostgrave
- Full Thrust
- Gaslands
- Gladiators
- God of Battles
- GorkkaMorkka
- Hail Caesar
- Hordes
- Hordes of the Things (HOTT)
- I Ain’t Been Shot Mum
- In Her Majesty’s Name
- Judge Dredd Miniatures
- Kings Of War
- Legends of the Old West
- Leviathans
- Lion Rampant
- Lord of the Rings – Strategy Battle Game
- Malifaux
- Men Who Would Be Kings
- Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack
- Mordheim
- Necromunda
- On The Seven Seas
- Operation Squad
- Pike and Shotte
- Pikeman’s Lament
- Rapid Fire
- Sails of Glory
- Star Trek: Attack Wing
- Star Wars Armada
- Stargrunt
- Swordpoint
- Uncharted Seas
- Vanguard
- War and Conquest
- Warhammer 40K (Most versions from Rogue Trader to 9th edition)
- Warhammer Ancient Battles (WAB)
- Warhammer English Civil War (WECW)
- Warhammer Epic 40K
- Warhammer Fantasy Battle (WFB)
- Warmachine
- Warmaster
- Wings of War/Wings of Glory (WWI and WWII)
- What a Tanker
- X Wing
Any other rule set is welcome as we are always ready to try something new. There are also various board games played.